by admin | Apr 25, 2016 | Uncategorized
Tagoskan Wasteland DOWNLOAD The continent of Tagoska once flourished with civilisation and industry, until it was levelled in a planetary bombardment of unimaginable destruction. Now, the Tagoskan Wasteland is a bleak and barren place, punctuated in places by...
by admin | Apr 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
HLS Sentinel DOWNLOAD HLS Sentinel is a heavily armed patrol scout vessel belonging to the Helian League. The Helian League, a loose Federation of the colonised planets of the Solar System, require fast, well armed and armoured patrol vessels to ensure Helian space...
by admin | Apr 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
Fort Crabclaw DOWNLOAD Captain Lucius Crabbe, the once-merchant-turned-pirate, was fleeing from the Imperial Navy when he chanced upon a small cave and managed to evade capture there. And, always one to spot an opportunity, Captain Crabbe realised this would be an...