Explorer: Forest Clearings

Explorer: Forest Clearings is a set of printable battlemaps compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game.
Explorer: Forest Clearings is a standalone set, comprising 4 20×20  battlemaps.  Each tile depicts a different and unique forest area, idea for quick encounters when your party is exploring a hex, or travelling between cities and towns.
Forest Edge: A small trail skirts the edge of the forest, with a large clearing
Escarpment: A high cliff separates the forest
Ancient Road: An overgrown paved road trails through the forest.
The Copse: A stand of trees in the middle of a woodland clearing.

Explorer: Mountain Passes

Explorer: Mountain Passes is a set of printable battlemaps compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game.
Explorer: Mountain Passes is a standalone set, comprising 4 20×20  battlemaps.  Each tile depicts a different and unique snow covered and winter mountain area, idea for quick encounters when your party is exploring a hex, or travelling between cities and towns.
Switchback Path: Winding paths that descend into a lower valley
The Canyon: A deep valley with steep snow covered cliffs
High Places: A narrow ledge near a precipice, with winding routes
Blind Bend: A bend in the trail, with a sheer drop to one side
Please Note: These maps are not geomorphic, and not intended to match up perfectly with anything. They are intended as standalone battlemaps
Also included is a set of 300dpi full size jpgs, for poster printing or VTT, in both gridded and non-gridded versions. (n.b. gridless version only available as full jpeg)