Snow Field
Yes General – this huge expanse of snow is the ideal place for the coming battle….
Need a skirmish map for a wargame? Large scale exploration in an RPG?
A printable battlemap for RPG games or wargames such as Warhammer, Frostgrave and Mordheim. Add 3D terrain and use the map as a battle surface. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.
Contents: A 50 x 50 map depicting a snow covered rural field and countryside landscape area, deep in winter. Use the full map, or crop and print sections to use.

Snow Ruins
The snow covered wastes of a ruined city. The walls and towers are no more; the only evidence of this once mighty settlement is cracked and worn stone beneath the ice.
Need a skirmish map for a wargame? Large scale exploration in an RPG?
A printable battlemap for RPG games or wargames such as Warhammer, Frostgrave and Mordheim. Add 3D terrain and use the map as a battle surface. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.
Contents: A 50 x 50 map depicting a frozen ruined city surface, covered in deep snow drifts and areas of snowy winter fields. Use the full map, or crop and print sections to use.