The Moonshine Tavern (Day)
The Moonshine Tavern (Night)
“Don’t ask no questions, dont get no lies”
Perched above the coast, the Moonshine Tavern is perfectly placed for those who may wish to import certain goods without the authorities getting involved…
A set of printable battlemaps compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.
Contents: A multiple level map consisting of a 5 storey smugglers, spread across 5 30×30 battlemaps, each depicting a different level.
Sea-Level – A small beachy cove at the foot of the cliffs, with low tide revealing the caves and smugger docks inside.
Cellar – tavern cellars, with secret doors leading to smuggler caves. Lots of secret areas.
Ground Floor – The ground level of the tavern, with plenty of room for customers.
Attic – Bedrooms, landlord quarters, and meeting rooms for smugglers.
Roof – pitched tiled rooftops, dormers, multiple access points.
Also included are 300dpi full size jpgs, for poster printing or VTT.
Also included are Roll20 VTT ready files, sized at 72dpi and 140x140px per square (all less than 10mb)