
We’re pleased to announce that our first 4 dungeon floorplans/gameboards are online now at DriveThruRPG.

We play a custom version of Heroquest, and after creating these boards for our own use, figured other people may enjoy using them too. The boards are produced in Photoshop, and come at 300dpi, so you get plenty of detail.



The first 4 are:


Greystone Dungeon 1 – a classic grey coloured stone dungeon layout, with corridors and rooms.

Greystone Dungeon 1



Greystone Dungeon 2 – a different layout to Greystone Dungeon 1, which can be combined to make a huge playing area



City Sewers 1 – dank sewers, flooded chambers and mossy cobblestones



Medieval City 1 – alleyways, houses and inns for a wide variety of RPG encounters.



You can find them all at DrivethruRPG

Please get in touch if you have any questions, or would like to suggest future maps/tilesets.
