Fenherrick Monastery DOWNLOAD
Built upon a small island of relatively dry land in the middle of a salt marsh, the monastery at Fenherrick is home to a small community of monks who use the solitude to pray and live simple lives, away from the dangers of the world.
Contents: A 20 x 30 map depicting a small Saxon / Dark Age style monastery built on a small island in a tidal mudflat salt marsh. The monastery has a small chapel, a refectory, scriptorium and simple dormitory. The map joins seamlessly along one edge with the Fenherrick Salt Marsh map.

Fenherrick Salt Marsh DOWNLOAD
Treacherous sucking mud, tidal pools and small hillocks covered in tussocky grass
Contents: A 30 x 30 map depicting a tidal mudflat salt marsh. The map joins seamlessly along one edge with the Fenherrick Monastery map.